rashes or something else
Hi sis need some help I had spot since yesterday not sure what is... Might due bf while fasting..

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Super Mom
There is also Tele consultation with doctor, if u cannot leave home https://www.ntuc.org.sg/wps/portal/up2/home/membership/privileges?utm_source=edm&utm_medium=navigationbar&utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=Members++rates+for+GP+teleconsultations&utm_campaign=2020-04+eHealth+EDM
Read moreThành viên VIP
I dont think its due to bf. Pls consult doctor asap. Take care!
Influencer của TAP
Bf don't casue this I think is allergy consult your doc soon
Super Mom
This isn’t due to breastfeeding. Please see a doctor, dear
Thành viên VIP
Bf does not cause rashes on foot. Pls see your doctor asap.
Thành viên VIP
Best to see a doctor asap thank you!
consult doc urgently
Please seek doctor
Super Mom
See GP urgently
Consult doc??
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