tips to earning points easily?

Since polls earn 1 point instead of 2 and becomes limited, earning points seem difficult and slower. ANY TIPS?

8 Replies
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Haha. Great question. Even I used to just go and do all the polls to earn my 30 points every day. Easiest way / Invite friends is 10 points! Share photos - can always share the motivational type quotes. Answer poll and then add in a comment under poll And log in Everyday get points too

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Super Mom

Ask more questions and answer more of them? Or invite new friends. That still has the most points

Thành viên VIP

Invite mommy friends or help with queries from the Unanswered section(:

Needs double the effort now! But I guess there’s not much we can do

Thành viên VIP

log in everyday, answer or ask question

Answer more polls and questions.

Thành viên VIP

Answer questions and log in everyday!

4y trước


Ask or ans quest