My irritating sister in law.

My sil just give birth, I have a son too and she keep on asking what brand we using all this stuff... w she brought expensive brand. Show off to my husband. My husband visit her she told him her son last name same as my son.. like Wtf bitch! Is weird... my son name Lin Zhi Hao and family calls him Hao Hao.. now this crazy bitch name her son Tan Wei Hao. She say both got Hao u know. Seriously brain damage or what. Now how u want the old people in family to call your son also Hao Hao? I thought only the middle name same is okay but the last name of the Chinese name? Really??? hate her acting like crazy bitch. Even my husband is so Piss off with her. We just act nice in front of her.

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Seems like your sil has a competitive streak in her lol. Just ignore her and concentrate on your son(:

Sounds like she's competitive. Just ignore her and don't let it get to you!

it doesnt matter as long as your boy is healthy and happy as you are😍

?! Sounds like a competitive SIL....just ignore her...

Thành viên VIP

Not worth the time and energy ignore her

Just ignore her. Focus on your own kid.

don't get pissed. just ignore her.

Nothing u can do. But ignore her.

Thành viên VIP

Nothing u can do. Jus ignore her

Thành viên VIP

just try to ignore her