Should I be concerned if my 1 year old is still not speaking much words? Nurse said that will refer to the doctor if I am concerned. Then I told her, my first child only started talking at about 3 year old, perhaps my baby is the same. Her reply, "Oh no wonder you are not concerned. It runs in the family huh..."

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By 1 year, most babies should be able to say everyday words like "bye bye", "no" or "ma/da". But if your baby is developing normally in other areas like motor skills but not talking, then it's pretty normal. Some babies start talking later than others. My younger brother only started talking clearly a little after he turned 2. If your baby doesn't know 5-15 words by the time he turns 15 months, you can check with your pediatrician. It could be his hearing since hearing and speaking are connected. Till then, don't worry too much about it and continue to speak to, read to and encourage your child :)

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