Sesi Tanya Pakar bersama Dr. Hemalatha Chandrakanthan, Pakar Perunding Oftalmologi, Pusat Pakar Mata KPJ

Sering sakit mata sejak kebelakangan ini? Mata berair atau penglihatan semakin kabur? Risau kenapa anak suka menonton TV dengan dekat? Jom tanya semua persoalan anda dengan pakar kami berkaitan dengan penjagaan kesihatan mata anda sekeluarga pada jam 4 petang, hari Khamis bersamaan dengan 8 Julai 2021. *NOTA : Segala persoalan diluar daripada topik dan waktu yang dinyatakan akan tidak dijawab atau dipadam.

Sesi Tanya Pakar bersama Dr. Hemalatha Chandrakanthan, Pakar Perunding Oftalmologi, Pusat Pakar Mata KPJ
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Hi Dr., what can we do to avoid our kids' eyesights to get worse? Especially now that the kids are doing classes online, less screen time would be hard.

3y trước

hi...maybe you can take more breaks in between,use some lubricants and use a blue filter glass...

Thành viên VIP

hi doktor saya mahu tanya anak saya berumur 7tahun Dr sah dia rabun jauh tapi saya tak bagi dia guna cermin mata..ada kh rabun dia makin teruk..

3y trước

hi...kalau ada rabun kena guna cermin mata sebab boleh semakin teruk kalau tak pakai...

Thành viên VIP

Hi doktor, Jika pasangan saya seorang yang Rabun, adakan rabun boleh diwarisi kepada anak kami? Apakan ianya boleh dicegah? Terima kasih doktor

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3y trước

hi tak semestinya anak akan dapat rabun...tapi susah untuk mencegah rabun

Thành viên VIP

hi doc soalan saya jika mata anak kita di dapati ada juling sedikit..adakah juling tersebut boleh di betulkan?? terima kasih doc😉✌🏻

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3y trước

terima kasih doc atas jwpan nya..😍❤️

Hi Doctor, what is a good age to start bringing my child to see an optometrist? Also, what can I do to help their eyes stay good and healthy?

3y trước

and to keep eyes healthy jus don expose them to computer or phone from very young...

Hi Doctor, kenapa kadang-kadang mata akan rasa berdenyut, kering dan sukar melihat dengan jelas? Ada cara atau tips ke untuk mengatasinya?

3y trước

Hi kalau ada symptom mata macam ini, pemeriksaan mata perlu dilakukan,,kita perlu tahu punca untuk symptom symptom di atas..

Hi Dr, is there a way to "train" our eyes to lessen the effects of presbyopia? Or is the only remedy through glasses and contact lenses?

3y trước

presbyopia is a aging process..most of the time u need to wear glasses or contact lens for correction but u can try some eye exercises too...

Thành viên VIP

Hi Dr., is there a best range of age to get eye laser? And is it possible for us to have to wear glasses again after getting eye laser?

3y trước

hi...we have have different types of LASIK which will be chosen according to the suitability of your eyes...and yes there s a possiblity for the need to wear glasses after can come for an eye assessment to our centre to know further,,,

salam sejahtera, Dr.. berapa kerap saya patut buat senaman mata supaya saya tidak terlebih melakukannya hingga membebankan mata saya?

3y trước

tq Dr!

Hi doctor, what are the effects of too much screen time for children? How much is too much? What should be the limit every day?

3y trước

maybe take more breaks in between,use lubrication for eyes and use blue filter glasses...