Takut & Risau

Hi semua, 1st time mummy here. Sorry ye I selesa guna tanglish. Now I'm 6 months pregnant, happy and well pampered by my family members, especially my husband. I worried semua caring and affection hilang selepas bersalin. I takut I akan dibiarkan dgn bayi forever. I duduk dgn rumah MIL, maybe after bersalin pantang kat sini. Rumah ibu I jauh 300km selepas bersalin susah nak travel. I risau ibu mertua tak jaga macam ibu I jaga. I am really scared I will leave with baby alone. Memang la I sayang baby tapi takut selepas bersalin tak ada org care pasal saya. MIL cakap haritu I dgn baby tidur 1 bilik and dia tidur bilik atas, klu ibu saya dia akan duduk 1 bilik dgn saya and baby, tlg jaga baby waktu malam, tlg I pergi toilet. I'm worried bila taip pun menangis... I tak tahu nak buat apa 😭😭😭 am I behaving very silly? #pleasehelp #ingintahu #seriusnanya #firstmom #firstbaby #bantusharing #emosiibu #risau #pregnant25weeks

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pls do not think like that. everyone will care about u tak kisah semasa pregnant atau selepas bersalin. ur husband for sure will take care for u as much as he will sbb that is his child. trust me.

8mo trước

thank you sis ♥️... hopefully all goes well