Takut & Risau

Hi semua, 1st time mummy here. Sorry ye I selesa guna tanglish. Now I'm 6 months pregnant, happy and well pampered by my family members, especially my husband. I worried semua caring and affection hilang selepas bersalin. I takut I akan dibiarkan dgn bayi forever. I duduk dgn rumah MIL, maybe after bersalin pantang kat sini. Rumah ibu I jauh 300km selepas bersalin susah nak travel. I risau ibu mertua tak jaga macam ibu I jaga. I am really scared I will leave with baby alone. Memang la I sayang baby tapi takut selepas bersalin tak ada org care pasal saya. MIL cakap haritu I dgn baby tidur 1 bilik and dia tidur bilik atas, klu ibu saya dia akan duduk 1 bilik dgn saya and baby, tlg jaga baby waktu malam, tlg I pergi toilet. I'm worried bila taip pun menangis... I tak tahu nak buat apa 😭😭😭 am I behaving very silly? #pleasehelp #ingintahu #seriusnanya #firstmom #firstbaby #bantusharing #emosiibu #risau #pregnant25weeks

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Sis, its normal to think like tht. Bila pregnant ni mmg hormone & emotions kita tak betul. Small things pun boleh merajuk, menangis & bergaduh. Kita mula akan fikir, org akan benci kita, org akn menyampah. Suami pergi kerja kita fikir dia keluar dgn perempuan lain. Actually benda ni takda apa tapi kita yg anxiety & insecure. Ive been thru that bfr. at last tak jadi macam yg kita sangka. Mmg ibu mertua jaga tak sama macam ibu sendiri tapi kena buat preparation, mintak suami sediakan yg penting sblum pergi kerja sbb taknak susah kan MIL. Letak barang keperluan dekat2 dgn kita supaya tak payah bergerak byk. Nnt MIL awak nampak cucu dia nnt percayalah, lembut hati dia.. please don’t think too much.. if you stress now then you’ll stress later 🙏🏼💓💓

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8mo trước

thank you sis ❤️ hopefully all goes well... surrender to god

Influencer của TAP

pls do not think like that. everyone will care about u tak kisah semasa pregnant atau selepas bersalin. ur husband for sure will take care for u as much as he will sbb that is his child. trust me.

8mo trước

thank you sis ♥️... hopefully all goes well