Saw a granny giving her 4-5yo grandson slips of coffee at the food centre. Is it ok to let your LO drink coffee or tea?

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Hmmm actually, I was introduced to coffee quite early in my childhood. Took sips every now and then of my grandpa's teh bing or kopi bing when I was in kindergarten and I'd like to think I turned out fine. Not too sure how high the caffeine content is in bubble tea but I see alot of young kids drinking those. I reckon if it's in once in a while, in moderation, it's okay. I wouldn't encourage it but if the child does try it, doubt it will cause any harm :)

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So nice to hear your answers :) maybe I was a little taken aback by the granny's kind gesture for her sleepyhead grandson, I didn't think I'd give my kid coffee. But I now think it's ok cos it's almost the same as giving them coke? As long as it's little sips.

9y trước

Coke is probably a lot worse!

Well, i personally feels it is ok so long as it is in moderation. I still take coffee and tea although I'm breastfeeding. It is said to avoid or minimize but i drank for all my 4 kids and they are growing up well too.

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Few slips once awhile, i think it's ok, maybe if the kid want try, but if everyday, no. Some mummy already give their LO milk tea, hence i think moderate amount is ok.

why not? its ok to take a few sips. normally elderly always wanna their grandchildren to try out different food or drink. as long as not over-feed, it will be fine.

I find a little is good but not overdose because it contains caffeine. My mother started giving to my boy and now he is addicted to it..

Hmm, a little won't do any harm. They say food colouring is bad, same goes for butter and margarine... So not indulging should be ok. :)

I allow my daughter to slurp a few sips through the straw, but never more than that.

I gave my boy slips of coffee and tea too. I think is ok as long as not whole cup.