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Soft marker tu apa ya? Sorry first time mummy di sini juga

During detailed scanning, the sonographer would check every vital parts of your baby. From the size of the skull, width of the eyes, jaw, bladder, lung etc . For each measurement, there’s a pre-set indication (called soft markers) whether are your baby at risk of Down syndrome. Hitting one or few soft markers don’t mean much. To be sure, get tested instead (ie. NICC test). Cost is pretty steep (RM2k) but it goes a long way for paranoid mummies. Recommended for mummies above 35 years old.

Pn kena berapa soft marker? Saya buat detailed scan, kena 1 soft marker. Lepas tu saya pergi klinik swasta dan buat test NICC (genetic testing). Baby all okey je. Low risk. Skrg 29 weeks, perkembangan baby excellent.

Rm1900. Yes the result was good. All low risk. Something like 0.001%. Also will confirm gender of baby genetically.

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