Infant care
Is it safe to put our LO back in infant care now? I am so torn between putting her back in infant care and getting some much needed me time... Her health and safety comes first though. Advice needed, pls!

This really depends on whether you have help at home and if you are a working parent too. How old is LO? If under 12 months I would probably not risk it, as their immune system is quite weak. If you do choose to send your LO back, I would probably wait till after two weeks just so you get a sense of if there is any outbreak in the school witb the younger preschool and kindergarten kids back to school.
Read moreI send my on june 11. They should have strict set of safety protocol to protect our lo.
I sent my boy back to IFC on 2 June So far so good, no issue
I've sent my LO back too, no issues