Hello all, any reviews on mindchamps at Punggol Northshore please ? :)

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Promo terbesar expert care sudah dimulai, diskon hingga Rp.100.000 sedang berlangsung di shopee, ada juga voucher diskon 100% alias gratis bagi bunda yang beruntung. Buruan cek di https://shope.ee/9UfEMMqqTg (id-32868)

My son has been with mindchamps punggol for 1+ month. He loves going to school, the facilities are fantastic, teachers really put in effort to update parents. I'm very very with the school so far.

7y trước

Hi, is your son in PG? Hows the curriculum there?

I went for their school tour but find them not that fantastic n not value for money

8y trước

Their "selling point" is only their library