Dr Lim Ah Leng review

Any review of Dr Lim Ah Leng from AL Lim Clinic for Women Pte Ltd at Thomson Medical Hospital

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I was also delivered by Dr AL Lim 32 years ago. He was my mum and her 6 sis’ (my 6 aunts) gynae, helping to deliver around 8-12 of my cousins. All my aunts each had an average of around 2 children. I’m now seeing him as I got to know he’s still in practice. Had initially wanted a lady doc and my hubby was concerned about him being a male doc (abit paiseh), but I’ve seen Dr Lim twice and so far so good. First consult my hubby had like a list of 10-15 questions for him and Dr Lim just answered everything patiently and didn’t rush us. I also mentioned I was recently diagnosed with PCOS and this baby was conceived with clomid so Dr Lim immediately prescribed progesterone tablets as a precaution as he knew it was tougher for me to have gotten pregnant. Am waiting to see Dr Lim next week to see how baby’s progressing. For his years of experience, I find his rates reasonable, though be prepared to pay via cash or NETS for the prenatal visits and hospitalisation deposit before delivery, as his clinic doesn’t accept credit cards. Might be an issue for parents who are tight on budget cos Medisave claim can only be done later and cannot convert into credit card instalments, (which was what we were planning to do, if possible, for more liquidity in case we need money for other things that cropped up during pregnancy). Probably that’s why his charges are not that expensive since all these administrative costs are already reduced.

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3y trước

I was delivered by c sec. Same as my son, he’s 13 mth old tmr