dr paul tseng review: Gynae Recommendation(@TMC )
Hi, anyone has experience with dr paul tseng or Dr AL Lim? Mind sharing their consultation cost and package price? Thanks! looking for dr paul tseng review

dr paul tseng review: I’m with Dr AL Lim who was previously my mum’s gyane and delivered me 33 years ago so I’m going to see him with first baby. I’ve heard many mummies were previously delivered by him and back to see him for their own baby. Currently in my 3rd trimester, 28w+6d. He’s very patient and nice, always taking time to answer all our questions. He’s also a very fatherly figure and always explains each ultrasound scan to us and allows my hubby to take video recording of the ultrasound scans. He doesn’t have any package since he’s a very experienced senior doctor. For each visit, consultation, ultrasound and supplements is about $250-300, which I feel is quite reasonable for his years of experience. If you’re doing a detailed scan, then won’t need to do another ultrasound, so it’ll roughly cost u $150-$200 for consultation and supplements
Read moredr paul tseng review: I was with dr paul tseng for both my pregnancies. Very experienced. I like his style of consultation, straight to the point, answers my doubts if I have any and will tell me what I need to know. His fees: 2014: $80 (consultation) & $40 (ultrasound scan) 2018-2019: $110 (consultation) & $60 (ultrasound scan). Both my hubby and I felt very settled with him. He gave us a reassuring feel. My #1 was delivered by him. He was very accurate when it comes to predicting my edd. I was 5 days overdue and prior to that , he was on overseas leave, he told me I will wait for him to return and true enough I did. Haha My #2 was delivered by his backup doctor Dr. Pamela Tan (also from TLC clinic). She was an amazing doc too.
Read moredr paul tseng review: i was with dr benjamin tham. he explain a lot to me. and he is super busy.. even with appointment also need to wait. his packages is $900 for 11visit :) starting from week 12
Im with Dr Paul Tseng, we like him though he isnt much of a talker though :) you can ask questions and he will just answer. He is also straightforward.
Dr paul tseng is the number 1 in my books when it comes to gynaes. Waiting times for appointments were short and sweet.
Does Dr Paul Tseng give HL before EDD? If yes, how many weeks before edd?
Dr paul tseng is very reassuring and his stitching skills is v good.
Dr paul tseng is a calm doctor, explaining all the stuff
I'm currently w Dr Paul. He's like super busy
Queen bee of 1 adventurous boy