Our relationships are getting worse once baby is born. There are lots of arguments on how to take care child and living issues such as housework and finance. I found that our thinking is not aligned. Some more mil is staying with us. Everytimes I blames on him. Mil will help him to solve it. In the end I will be speechless. I married to him but not married to his family. I have a thought to get divorce with him several times. But looking at my baby, I can't be so selfish. I'm coming from broken family I don't wish my baby same as me. I have talked to him few times but he feel I always mumbling. I cant bear it. What should I do?

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I think divorce should be the last resort. I also think you're on to something, the communication between the 2 of you as a couple is seriously damaged. Find some time to talk to each other without your baby and without your mother in law to figure out the root of your problem - are you both tired from juggling work and parenting, - is there a problem with HOW the 2 of you are talking to each other, are you both angry at each other all the time, why? If you feel that your mother in law might be adding to the tension, try to communicate with him so that he understands that HE has to be the one to set the boundaries with her

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