Gynae recommendations

Any recommendations from NUH? #1stimemom #pleasehelp #firstbaby #advicepls #pregnancy

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Super Mom

Hi there, could you tell me more on the birth you intend to have for yourself?

4y trước

Hey again Jacinta, I like to suggest to families to take some time out to consider what matters to them in terms of principles and what they value in a birth. Throughout pregnancy, consults with the doctor matter too and if you don’t have a gynae whom you’re comfortable with, more often than not you’ll leave the consultation room confused and you probably won’t even ask the questions you need to ask. Prof Chong and Dr Choolani would be my go-tos for a natural birth. But again, do some research and find out the pros and cons of an epidural before making a decision (I only used an epidural as an example because you mentioned it but there’s lots more to a birth). If you don’t want a Caesarian section then ask what the doctor’s c-sect rates are (as in how many he’s performed out of the births he’s done in percentage) or what he feels about an episiotomy if you don’t want one. Also if you plan to breastfeed, is he supportive of that? And which PD you should see if you’d like to have a go

Dr Vanaja or Dr Su Lin Lin from NUH