Stroller recommendation
Hi! Can recommend me a stroller that suits newborn to toddler pls? Preferably something not too heavy and they can take turn to use. And easy to handle when taking public transport
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We purchased bugaboo bee 6. it's compact, light and very easy to push around. You can attach a bassinet for newborns since it's better for them to lie on their back when sleeping and a car seat compatibility like Nuna or Cybex (Both are also very handy and light to carry around if you have a car) The stroller itself can be used up to 4 years of age. It has a great quality in terms of the material.
Read moreI just got the Bugaboo Bee and it’s pretty good.
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keenz no regret getting it
babyzen yoyo
Influencer của TAP
babyzen yoyo
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