New Born To 6 Month Carrier

Any recommend? And share with me the place and price.

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Ergobaby , you can go to baby fairs to buy as you will get greater deals there as compared to retail shops or online

Influencer của TAP

Konny! It's very easy to use and light. Till now I'm still using.

Super Mom

Konny/Ergo. Upcoming baby fair at Expo for Ergo. Konny online.

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I use Sollybaby, it's the same like boba wrap or moby wrap

I bought tula free to grow at baby fair and it's only $99.

5y trước

Actually not much of the difference. Facing outside and inside. There is a siting base for tula explore.

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Baby fair. Mine was i-angel.

Ergobaby during baby fair

Please try Joie Baby

I bought tula ftg

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Tula explorer