Baby stroller
Any recomandation for stroller? Budget below $250.

Hi, I’d like to recommend getting a second hand stroller and having it thoroughly washed before using. When researching, find something that suits your lifestyle and needs. I find these questions rather important and they helped me to find a stroller that suited my needs: 1) How often do you intend to use the stroller? 2) Do you travel by public transport often? 3) When you travel do you usually travel by yourself? 4) What’s the maximum weight you can carry on one arm? 5) Do you need a one hand fold mechanism or is a two-hand fold okay as well? 6) Can the stroller fit into the booth of your car? If you don’t drive, can it fit into a taxi/Grab? 7) What are the safety measures you look out for in a stroller that would give you confidence to put your LO in it? (Buckle, 5-point harness, brake, etc) 8) would a foot pedal brake be good or a hand-brake be better? 9) is suspension important? What about smoothness of the ride and heaviness when pushing? 10) do you need a lot of space at the bottom of the stroller to carry things? 11) Do you intend to use it for more than 1 child? Sorry for my long list but I’m just sharing because these questions helped me decide on my preferred stroller. I hope this helps.
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