Is it really necessary to take multivit, calcium and fish oil? If necessity, must take daily?

I have a friend who didn’t take anything during all 3 of her pregnancies. She said sometimes she would forget and eventually not take anything at all and her kids are as healthy as a horse. She also skipped her doc appts. There are people who are less privileged, and they would save as much as possible to prepare for after birth rather than before birth. Personally, I wouldn’t take the risk because every pregnancy is different. Our growing fetus needs the vitamins that we can’t produce in our body or the vitamins in food that we take in is not sufficient for the health of our growing fetus. First trimesters are especially crucial so please take folic acid at least. Some would start feeling nauseated after taking multi vitamins so it’s best to speak to your doc of your concerns and ask for alternatives instead ok? Take care and hope you’ll have a smooth pregnancy!
Read moreNot necessary but it’s good to have! I take exactly these three types of supplements. I think out of all three, fish oil is very essential. I was every afraid to consume too much fish due to its mercury, so fish oil supplements the DHA and EPA baby needed. As for multivit, my sis in law didn’t consume throughout her pregnancy for all 5 of her kids, they turned out fine. Most imptly keep a balance diet. Best nutrients come from natural foods, unless you have food aversions that you can’t stomach certain foods then yes please take vitamins to compensate it:) All the best !
Read moreI can't take calcium supplement, it gives me very bad constipation so instead I drink cow's milk and vegan milk daily. Calcium needed during prego is about 1500mg. Insufficient of it can caused bone development affected. However I do take multivit.
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If you are not getting enuf nutrition from your usual meals then it is better to consume these prenatal vitamins. it's good for both baby and mom.
Good to consume to increase your nutrient intake. Please take according to your gynae recommendation
Yes take daily to ensure baby healthy and good. Especially fish oil is good for baby brain.
natural food is the best but no harm taking supplements
Even now when I am pumping I am still taking!!
not a must but its good to have. yes daily
human lab