3 Replies

stay in air con, avoid sweat, bath 2 times a day, wear loose clothes, on bed slp with bamboo mat air con and apply pamlers (choose with rose) at night, bath with lukewarm water, not too hot or cool water, gentle soap, relax in fan of the fan on the tummy at night before slp, do not scatch, watch ur food, reduce spicy intake, I do see gyna for cream and take gyna prescribed Cetirizine, see ur gyna for medicine, hope it helps, see doc for ur conditional and take cooling, eat non spicy food, cut down and clean diet, fighting mummy!

it's a common pregnancy symptom, I just started noticing mine at 34 weeks! I changed out my soap/moisturiser to something "cleaner" - no fragrance etc and wear cotton, breathable material

Wear loose clothings, keep the area moisturised will do. Don’t scratch, later become scar/stretch marks..

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