Go to mum’s place everyday during ML

Just random. Hi mummies with babies, esp newborn, anyone went to their mum’s place everyday or most days when their husband goes to work I gave birth 2 months ago via emergency csect. My first baby. Ive been staying with my in law ever since married and never once stayed over at my mum’s. I also did confinement at my in laws since im staying there. I find myself always thinking about my pain and depression there, im always crying every single day. I was having post partum blues, i hated my baby i hated motherhood, esp when my husband already started working, i cried everytime he had to go to work, despite my in law still at home. Last few weeks i decided to go to my mum’s place every weekday when my husband’s working, my in law also started working but half day. And i realised, i feel happier here, and my mental health is better. I did not cry anymore and started to love my baby? And then i decided and told my husband that i want to go to my mum’s whenever he goes to work, until my ML ends, which he happily agreed. But im scared im the only person that relies on my mum when it comes to caring for baby. Im scared i wont be independent as im always here and my mum’s been a great help. I do most of the baby stuff tho. Just curious if theres any mums out there, esp first time mum, who goes to their mum’s place whenever their husband is not at home. Just so theres a third person to help with baby. #firsttimemom

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hi mama! im a ftm, my LO is 8 months old and i go to my mum's place every weekday, even if my husband wfh. im staying with my in laws too and they are not working. my in laws & husband don't mind me going over to my mum's place too. i won't feel stressed up or what when im in my in laws place but yes im definitely happier when i go to my mum's place because she is my mum, took care of me ever since im born til now, she knows me the BEST and willing to take care of my LO together with me. don't feel like you are relying on your mum whenever you go back because yes, ftm, we really need a lot of help. post partum depression is REAL and we really need someone to take care of our baby sometimes. if your in laws & husband agree that you go to your mum's place every weekdays, just go ahead!😁

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