3 Replies

Hey, After reading all you wrote, I think you must again consult your doctor since there still seem some problem with the baby's chest. I think the infection may not have completely gone. Apart from that you can try some herbal concoction at home. You can make tulsi ka khadha for her and boil little ginger along with it. You can mix both mint and ginger in one glass of water and boil it till it is one-fourth. Then you can feed three, four spoons three times a day to the baby. You can also add honey to it later. You may go through this link, just to be informed and not to come to the conclusion that your baby too is going through one of these. But in any case, it is nothing to be worried about. Try the home remedy I mentioned above and consult your doctor as well. http://www.webmd.com/parenting/baby/your-newborn-babys-breathing-noises#1

if she is making a gurgling sound it could mean that she still has some congestion inside, especially as you mentioned that she was recently suffering from some infection. also, being underweight could keep her immunity levels low, which can make her catch cold and infections easily. please take her to the doctor and get her examined properly to understand what medication and treatment to give. sometimes, a steam treatment could work great too, but only after you check with the doc.

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