Berat Bby

Pregnncy da msuk 28 weeks... Then ritu g scan 3d/4d, berat bby 880 g... Ok or not

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Klu ikut apps ni..utk brat tu lbh krg 27mggu..smggu je gapnye sis..inshaAllah normal growth..dont worry.. nk kpastian tnye dr...

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4y trước

Sis guna app apa tu... Blh bgtau x....

Kalau ikut apps ni shld be 1kg...xbyk bza pon...shld be okay..klu x okay or bby kcik..msti dr dh bgtaw sis

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4y trước

Msy masa scan 28week dh 1187kg... Doc ckp normal... Tunggu 32week olk scan