9 Replies

VIP Member

💯!! The news of my pregnancy was spread to everyone in my company without my acknowledgment. I even confronted my colleague and all she said was “why must you hide? Pregnant also must keep it as a secret?” Its very frustrating that these people are not respecting your decision at all! Good news is not even one soul cares to visit or wish me after i have give birth lol.

Yes yes yes. So many of my extended family members knew I was pregnant before I told them. I really wanted to tell them personally especially my close cousins but someone had spilled earlier. They kept hinting me to tell them and kept asking but I twisted the answers. It’s my first and I really wanted the way I announce it to be special and from me.

I totally feel this! Wanted to keep quiet until my third month, but some colleagues kept asking if I'm pregnant during my first month of pregnancy, just because they noticed changes in my appetite etc. Despite hinting and telling them to hush, they went on to spread around and it's really difficult when everyone is discussing it!

Totally not their biz and then we are forced to say no to stop them from second guessing. More often than not we have our own personal reasons or struggles why we are not saying or announcing yet. Maybe these people didn’t go through this before or just way too excited for others.

Totally agree. Some people know it and just share freely and cause unnecessary stress and unhappiness to other family members that they seemed to be outcast. But it’s my pregnancy and I want to announce it my own way.

Ya usually I make sure these nosey parker are the last to know

I have one such colleague. She only knew I am preg when I am already 6m and my tummy was obviously big enough.

Yes. There are always these annoying people

VIP Member

I know exactly what you mean!!🙊

Ya annoying

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