Pregnant 10wks
Hi all..can pregnant ladies use medicated plaster?

Why the mommies here with their TCM asked not to use while mine still gave me his plasters 🤣 I read somewhere about it that we shouldn’t use but my “pretty famous TCM practitioner” still gave me leh.
hmmm I was told by the pharmacist not to use, and he showed me a few brands with labels warning pregnant ladies not to... I had killer backache and ended up going prenatal massage 😄
I would love to use on my backaches, but my tcm friends all said no no for lower back or anywhere near womb. if wrist or neck, use a bit still can but not regularly.
Hi I was reminded a few times by my TCM practitioner not to use medicated plaster. Unsure why but I also didn’t probe since I trusted her advice. Hopes this helps! 😊
I did use two small patch because my neck was killing me. Use in small amounts should be fine but at your own risk
i did use during my pregnancy for my 2nd child cause i had bad shoulder pain. I use tiger balm brand for 1 week
I asked gynae before I using the salonpas.. so best ask gynae to confirm
nope. cannot use any kind of medicated plasters. western or chinese.
i saw on most packaging, a pre warning not for pregnant ladies .
Maybe better not as it is still very early in pregnancy