
Any pregnacy with no symptoms at 5 weeks

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It's okay I was 20 week pregnant also no symptom. No worries as long as the gynae say everything is normal. Will be fine 😊

Every person’s body reacts differently to pregnancy symptoms so don’t worry about it and enjoy the journey :)

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Some even deliver without any “symptoms” hehe. Of course aside from the belly showing. 🤣

Other than a missed period and sore boobs i have no other signs of pregnancy at 5 weeks.

Aside from missing my period, I didn have any symptoms as adll

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5 weeks is too early to have any symptoms most of the time.

Same here, I have no symptoms at all at 5th week

Just had severe fatigue until week 10 when nausea set in

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It’s normal. This happened to me for my 2nd pregnancy.

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Symptoms appeared after the 5th week for me.