
Any preg mummies working under healthcare psa appointment line and are working from home? I keep falling sick and im thinking of trying to req frm my gynae to work frm hm.. nt sure if it will be possible? My work requires a laptop n just a normal office phone line.

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You could check in with your boss or supervisor to see if such arrangements could be made for you. Most organisations would already have put in place or planned for some split team ops due to the COVID-19 so you perhaps surface your concern and request.

Super Mom

I'm sure it's possible if you ask your gynae. Nowadays most people are recommended to work from home and I work from home most days too. Take care!

You should discuss with your supervisor or boss to see if they’re ok with the arrangement.

Thành viên VIP

Best to discuss with your gynaecologist and your boss. Take care!