Everyone has got their own parenting method right?

this is a portal for us parents to seek advices and whether to accept the advice or not it is depending on individual right? Correct me if I'm wrong. Be it whether you like or dislike the replies I don't think there's a need to be rude or saying not logical stuff to provoke the other party or whatsoever. Just be nice to everyone here, there is no 100% correct answer. Everyone is just trying to share their point of views to help each and everyone to get better in parenting. 😊

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Yes you are absolutely right. Parenting styles and methods are really different for all of us and it is always good to know them :)

Ignore those who disagree with you. Yes, everyone has their own and is entitled to their own parenting method.

I definitely agree with these . We don't humiliate anyone . We are all mummies anyway .

Everyone has got their own parenting method. Yes agree with it

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Totally agree!

Totally agree

Totally agree

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