Are we allowed to do squat especially during first trimester? Eg. squatting by the toilet bowl to vomit

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constant vomit can be tiring. I usually will prep a stool in the toilet and grab it when needed. squats are ok. but... for me, just no extra energy to think abt it focus on vomit and out of the toilet.

Squatting by the toilet bowl to vomit wasn't comfortable for me so I try to standby a stool outside the toilet to bring it in, or I just kneel down when I can't bring in the stool in time :)

Super Mom

Yes squatting is fine. Great for muscle strengthening in your legs for pregnancy and birth :)

Thành viên VIP

Yes you can. I hope you feel better soon. Be careful ya.

4y trước

Okay thanks dear!

yes.. doesn’t seem dangerous?

Yes can.
