Baby throws up after every feeding is it because he is not suitable with the milk ? I bought S-26

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Hi mummy! If ur giving 60ml or above, try to divide 30ml each feeding. Did that for my newborn and less throw up! Make sure baby burbs after feeding and do not put then down straight. Just let them lay on ur chest n rubbed their back slowly.🙂

2y trước

hihi thank u for the advice will try ur method

try karihome.. its goats milk. they are more easier to digest.. goats milk is more digestible thn cows milk. my baby has been taking goats milk since birth.. so far he has no problem with it..

2y trước

will try ur suggestions thank u

I feel that the gold version is a bit thick n heaty for my baby. So i change to another brand then she gets less spit out too. FM need to trial and error.

2y trước

i change quite a bit s26 SMA then abbott grow now she drinking dumex so far so good

Maybe need to burp baby? Cz i bf my baby and she always have trouble burping. If she doesn’t burp, she’ll throw up all the milk.

2y trước

Ohh i see i see. Oh noo. Hope the methods suggested by other mummies here works for you.

It’s either not suitable or you’re over feeding. Try reducing the amount to see if it helps.

2y trước

alright sure thank u for the advice

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If you want to try a simpler formula you can try Similac total comfort stage 1

2y trước

u r welcome happy parenting