playmat are mostly 1cm thick.. does it help to cushion the pain if baby fall when crawling?
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Yes, cushion to a certain extent.... When a baby loses balance while crawling it may not hurt. Most likely will be shocked. But when the baby sists upright and falls sideways or backwards it may hurt. So it helps to put bolsters or cushions around the baby's zone. I space it so that if baby falls the pillow catches the neck/ head, not back. Pretend the blue raccoon is the baby in photo
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To some extent. There are some 1.5-1.8cm thick ones online:) I find those much better
Super Mom
As baby grow bigger,crawl better , can use thinner baby mat
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I think mine is quite thick around 3cm
Super Mom
Parklon may cost a few hundred dollars
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Yes that's good enough for crawling
yes, to a certain extent
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benefit to some extent
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Parklon is good
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