19 Replies

Super Mum

Most bakeries that do custom cakes will let you choose to not have sugar or egg, dairy etc. If you can bake, why not make your own 😄. I made a small cake for my baby, sweetened with fruit puree so no sugar. Baby really liked it and can finish the whole thing.

Super Mum

I think it’s okay to not let your LO eat the cake if you’re worried about sugar. They won’t remember anyway. Haha. But if you do decide to let your LO eat a bit, there are bakers that bake more baby friendly cakes with lower sugar content:)

If baby is able to eat solid food, I think should be ok. If you plan to feed you baby cake, you might want to try ordering from bakers who don’t use preservatives and but use more natural ingredients.

she eats solids but I worry for the sugar

I gave chocolate cake few mouthful during his birthday party... and he is not allergy to egg coz we test it out at 8mths plus upon pd recommendation

i ordered smash cake for my LO birthday, usually bakers know to bake suitable for babies. Unless if you LO have certain allergies, let them know :)

VIP Member

I think the bakes for cake smashing is made for babies, like only a bit of sugar and no other extra ingredients and toppings.

Super Mum

My baby is slightly allergic to yoghurt ice cream . Doctor say is combination of diary and sugar and the egg

VIP Member

If you're concerned, you may consider Delcie's cakes. They do cakes specially suitable for babies

VIP Member

By 1st bday, should already know if got egg allergies. If no, then no harm giving bb a few bites


I ordered swensen ice cream cake, only let her eat a few mouth.

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