it is very difficult i will admit, but then, as a mother, you do end up snatching time from here and there to spend with your babies. i try to take care of most of my professional responsibilities through the week, and even if i have work to tend to after office hours, i try and do it after my kids are asleep. weekends are fun and special as we spend a lot of time together doing fun and engaging things. instead of worrying about the number of hours you spend with them daily, i guess try to make the time you spend with them more fun and meaningful. they will remember it the most :)
Hubby & I have a deal. No work at home unless urgent work matter need to be attended immediately. Hubby send kids to & fro so he will make use of that time to bond with them. After work, I will cook dinner as I wanna make use of dinner to have more quality time together. Hubby then off to work, I will play with kids till it's bedtime. Weekend will do some activities together
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Didn't have a choice as we need to work for money. I will always appreciate every single time we have with our kid after their school. Esp during school closure days. I will take leave and spend time together.
When both of us were working, we bond during night time just before bed. Cuddle and spend some moments together. Weekend, we try to balance it with personal and family time.
weekends are my precious family time. Weekdays will be focus on work, while making them sleep, we would bond a little during the night. Weekends are family bonding day