Childcare teacher

Hi parents! Would like to get an input on my situation right now. My boys both started school this year,one is in N2 while the other one is in PG,while i have worries about my first born going to school knowing that he's got separation anxiety,so far his teacher never once complain about him. My second child however is a different story. My second child is abit more independent,he loves going to school and he's doing pretty well in terms of academic and stuff but i kept getting text from his teacher to pick him up from school everytime he gets cranky. I'm not sure if its normal for teachers to send home cranky 2 years old or is it they cannot handle my child? I understand if he is cranky plus sick and would pick him up as soon as i can but it became an every week routine. They would say that he's cranky and would want me to pick him up or they would say that he is sick but when we get home he's doing okay. The teacher there would throw in sarcastic remarks here and there and sometimes roll her eyes when i send my kids to school. I always pick my boys up from school before 6 and she would ask me to pick them up earlier,like 4 pm. They would say that my son is cranky and he's crying etc but when i come to pick them up,seldom would i hear him crying. I'm also a private student,i have to study and i'm home all the time but how can i study when i have to pick my kids up everytime he gets "cranky". I get that teachers get overwhelmed and there are alot of other student they have to look after but just because i'm not working like other parents doesn't mean during their time in school i'm free. I notice as well that there are other student being cranky but the teacher never ask their parents to pick them up,only my son and i can't help but wonder is it because they're working and i'm not? Not sure if i should bring this up to the principal,don't want my kids to be treated differently if something were to happen to the teacher. Not trying to change school also cause my kids are comfortable in this school and my cranky son actually likes his teacher. I'm not sure what to do and its keeping me up all night just thinking about this.#adviceappreciated

7 Replies

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Red Flag 🚩 To add on to Naddyzzzz comment, please also be wary as said teacher can continue to make things worse for ur child and treat unfairly. It looks like a clear biased treatment (i see this with my ex colleagues ALL THE TIME) so tactfully bring it up to the principal along with another witness e.g. husband I feel like this teacher thinks ure not working therefore u should pick up before the timing other parents pick their child up after work. Also noo offence but children SHOULDN'T have to be cute, act cute, look cute, or have an easy personality just so an adult will willingly and safely take care of them. All children deserve safe care and upbringing with the adults around them aka teachers, grandparents, parents, helper etc. This was exactly my fear as my child is superbly independent and confident and vocal for under 2 years and will not survive being in a class where teachers are not willing to handle a spectrum of children or even self manage their own stress and bias. Every conversation and text please loop in ur principal or the senior teacher and try not to back down until an apology or solutions have been shared or an explanation why is that behaviour has been happening. Do share ur observations as what u said earlier tactfully and honestly too okay. Can call the teacher out when she rolls eyes or say a sarcastic comment on the spot if u have the guts ok? Protect urself and ur child ❤️❤️❤️

Hi there! I completely understand your concern about your second child being sent home from school frequently due to crankiness. It must be really frustrating for you, especially when you have to pick him up before you can concentrate on your studies. It's important to address this issue with the teacher or even the principal. You can start by having a friendly and open conversation with the teacher to understand the reasons behind their decision to send your child home so often. It could be that they genuinely feel overwhelmed or have difficulty handling your child's behavior. If the situation does not improve after discussing it with the teacher, then it may be necessary to bring it up with the principal. You want to ensure that your child is being treated fairly and not being singled out because you are a stay-at-home parent. It's also worth considering if there are any underlying issues causing your child to act cranky at school. Perhaps he needs more support or attention in certain areas. Open communication with the teacher and school staff could help you better understand the situation and find a suitable solution. Remember, you have every right to advocate for your child's well-being and education. I hope everything works out for you and your little one. Sending you lots of warmth and support!

i would actually bring this up to the principal if this issue persists. what kind of teacher asked their parent to pick up their child for being "cranky"??? is that even valid to come down because he's cranky? this does not make any sense. i really hope the Principal talks to his teacher(s). it feels weird...


sounds odd... hopefully will help after speaking with the principal 🙏💕







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