If you want a parent facing stroller, it will be hard to find a lightweight (4-5kg) one as if the stroller is too light, it will flip. Parent facing stroller are generally heavier so as to achieve the balance. You can consider doona. It is 7kg, compact and able to double up as a car seat without removing the seat from the frame. Handy for mummies who go out on their own. You can even use the car seat for taking a taxi, safer than carrying baby in hands. It is not as cheap but if you add up a car seat and stroller price, it is about the same. http://www.pupsikstudio.com/doona-infant-car-seat-stroller.html If you are not driving and do not need a car seat, you can consider capella. Most of their strollers are able to have reverse handles. They are about 7-8kg. https://www.babymall.com.sg/travel-gear/baby-stroller-singapore/stroller-capella.html
I recommend Aprica! I am using this. It is light and user friendly. I can carry baby in one arm and the other to keep the stroller. Most of the time I take public transport when i bring baby out. It is small and light enough to go into buses and train as it is foldable. This stroller can face inwards and outwards. I got it during taka fair. It was less than $600 then.
Using the exact one shown in the picture. Not sure what is the model.
combi seems to have decent light weight strollera.
Combi.. I’m using that now too
you can try capella.
Ryn Chan