Do you love ice cream?
Hey parents, do you enjoy eating ice cream? If yes, which ice cream would you choose? Let us know in the comment below :)
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chocolate...kalau vanilla ada chocolate mcm choco top McD pun boleh je makan...tpi strawberry xmakan
Influencer của TAP
Vanila 🥰, Min, i'm still in confinement mode. 😅
emmm sedapnyaa aiskrim choco top 🤣
Influencer của TAP
Vanilla please! ☺️☺️☺️
Influencer của TAP
Vanilla with chocolate on top
Both!! No to strawberry! 😂
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i love both😍😍😍🥰
Vanilla witj choc topping
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i love chocolate 🤤😍
Vanilla chocolates 😋
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