Our 4-year-old co-sleeps with us. We really want to try for a second baby..but getting into the act is tough with her in the same bed. Did anyone else struggle with this?

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I had friends who always get pregnant back when she went holidays with her husband you can try that! King size bed also help shift ur kid to one side and you can do whatever you want at the other side but not too big motion when yr kid is very sound asleep

Get someone to take care of your child while you have your rendezvous at a staycation. Your 4 year old also goes to school right? Dedicate a day to take leave and have fun while he's at school. Doesn't have to be night time too. Haha.

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Lol, I second Jamie.. there are many ways to do that :) doesn't have to be in the bedroom either. Both you and your spouse can always sneak off into other parts of the house for awhile :P

Absolutely! You need to creative. To help you to maximise your chances, you need to pick the best days where a lot clear, slippery mucus is observed.

Get creative.. All part of your house can be your " action location".. Outside the house also can but do it at your own risk.. Good luck

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My 4yo also co-sleep with us.. and usually we will be in the living room watching TV after he sleeps so we did the act in the living room.

Lol.... yes when she is asleep Go have fun in the living In the shower In the other room In the kitchen

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You can do the act elsewhere after your baby is sound asleep. It doesn't have to be done lying down...

Lunchtime quickies? Those always looks so passionate and sexy on tv heehee