is it okay for LO to suck pacificer after fallen asleep? I tried to pull it out, I can feel that my LO is still sucking on it.. at times, he will wake up after I successfully pull the pacifier out.. most days, I will just let him suck till he himself spit out the pacificer.. which take hours after he had fallen asleep..

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Pacifier is better than the thumb and if a pacifier soothes him and gives you better sleep, then that's good :-) Have you tried taking the pacifier out gradually after he has fallen asleep? Like first few days, let him spit it out himself. Then reduce it to 3 hours, then 2 then 1. My 3 year old loves his pacifier. But now, we only let him use it for his naps in the afternoons. He used to have it in the evenings as well but we take it out once he has fallen asleep. I did the gradual taking out method and it worked for him.

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