Outside food for toddlers

Is it okay to feed 14mo outside food? Sometimes we will hang out from morning till evening and it’s impossible to bring home cook food out for that long. If it’s okay to feed, able to share what would you usually buy for your LO? Thanks!

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It is up to individual's comfort level. I did let my 15 mo had outside food sometimes when we are not in time to prepare food for her. So far I've given her : Plain wholemeal bread, Japanese udon (if it is too salty, get a bowl of hot water from the restaurant to rinse away the gravy before feeding), meat, vege & fruit at haidilao (choose plain water for the soup base)

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3y trước

Thanks momma this is helpful :))

up to individual. we don't mind and will choose the healthier options. bread or bao, Yong tau foo ( dry with no sauce. then you can choose baby friendly ingredients like hard boiled egg, broccoli etc)