Is it ok to travel by ferry at week 8-9?
Is it ok to travel by ferry at week 8-9? Just a short batam trip.

Yes! I went when I was 9 weeks! But prepare lots of plastic bag in case you feel like throwing up and I standby medicated oil to sniff if I feel sea sick cause the waves can get choppy. I usually don't get sea sick before pregnancy but body changes when you're pregnant so be prepared. Bring small snacks like biscuits to munch on.
Read moreYes of course. I went to batam almost everymonth. Start week 6 until week 38. Take majestic ferry as its bigger and more comfortable. Prepare sweets and bread just in case if u r hungry.
Sure. Why not. I went Batam when I was 7 weeks. Just prepare some sweets and plastic bags just in case.
Yup it is ok. Just ensure to standby plastic bags, motion sickness pills, etc just in case.
Yes provided ur pregnancy is normal so far and also have watch what u r eating in batam.
I would minimise movement esp during 1st trimester. Ferry ride can be bumpy.
Yes. But pls double check w ur gynae as everyone have different condition
U will need to get doctor letter
Yes yes why not.. 😉