Is it ok to have sex even if i have period. Because my husband doesn't want to use condoms. Need an answer asap?

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If you are asking this question that means you are okay in having sex while having periods. Well! If that is the case then you can have sex but it is going to be too bloody like literally. ..I hope your man knows this. Wearing condom or not doesn't matter because you are going to bleed anyway.

But you can get infection. I'd read it somewhere. That the period blood can gives harm. Thats why people who have clogs/period blood didnt go fully flow out during period - in their miss v needs to get check up bcoz the blood affected the womb.

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It is but not recommended. First, this may carry organisms that can cause infection to you and your husband. It’s getting expelled from your body for a reason. 2nd, too messy. Better to wait it out 😉

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You can have sex if you have periods bit it will be going to be very messy. Also it all drones on how comfortable you are in having sex when you are having petioles. If you are fine, you can go ahead with it.

In islam, we cannot have sex during period time. Walaupun suami mnta ke, pakai condom ke. Sangat tidak selamat. Kemaluan suami boleh jd mati pucuk.

Of course me and my husband do it because it can help ease the pains. Typically we lay a towel down. The chances of getting pregnant are very low but still possible

I think it’s up to either of you. I have had sex during my period every month, just need to take care of the mess, that’s all.

Yes you can. Be prepared for a mess. Also do note that it is not advisable. You may want to prepare extra cloths to clean the mess.

You can but if you are referring to if it's safe. You might still get pregnant.