Eating Fast food.

Is it ok to eat burgers and fries at 6 weeks pregnancy?

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Haha! The only thing I can eat during my first few weeks of 1st trimester was macdonalds cos my night night sickness was super bad! But really, eat in moderation and also try to eat other healthy foods as well.

Super Mom

If everything is cooked all the way through. I wouldn’t eat too much raw vegetables too:) Eating fast food occasionally’s fine:)

4y trước

Awesome thank you for the help!

Influencer của TAP

sure, all in moderation actually, the only thing i was sure to avoid has always been pineapple

mkn je la kak hahaha as long in mod. the more you think, the more negative thoughts you get

Thành viên VIP

I ate cos i had strong cravings. . But better do in moderation

Okay to eat but must eat unhealthy fast food in moderation

Still okay to consume, just don't have them often

Thành viên VIP

Yes! But rmb to take your folic acid too! 😀

Super Mom

Not a problem but not too often though :)

Yes but in moderation please.