Is it ok for 3mths old to drink milk 170ml only 4 times over 24hr

Is it ok for 3 mths old baby to drink 170ml milk only 4 times over 24hr

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my 9 mths drinks only 680 to 750ml with the help of syringe feeds at time coz he dont really like to suck after a while... and he can only drink btw 90 to 130 ml each time depending on who's feeding him every 3 hourly... but now he starting to eat porridge with meat fish and veg... it's always a torture to feed my boy milk since normally we result to syringe feed to ensure he takes in minimum fluid to hydrate.... mine 9 mths old boy only 7.6kg

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Super Mom

How heavy is your little one? At this age, baby should be drinking about every 3 hours though, and not so much each time

3y trước

She should be drinking about 150ml/kg/day so that’s about 900ml? During the day, you can try waking her up after 3-4hr so that she can drink. Night time let her sleep through