Oh dear I wonder if my LO is teething again! He woke up from his afternoon nap with a 37.8-38 fever, has been drooling loads and strangely pooping 3-4 times a day. My nanny thinks his gums are swollen and it's just teething but do babies poop a lot when they teethe? - confused mommy

There are natural remedies for easing baby's teething pain. One of them is teething necklaces. Myself and some friends used it when baby is teething and can see the good results. http://sg.theasianparent.com/baltic-teething-remedy-amber-teething-necklace/ There are two types of teething necklaces: Amber Teething necklace and Hazelwood Teething. The main difference between the two is the type of materials used. The one I used was Amber Teething necklace which has anti-inflammatory and therapeutic properties. If you feel uncomfortable to let baby to wear the necklace on neck (choking hazard), you can wear it on other place as long as directly on the baby's skin e.g. ankle. In addition, you can do baby massage for teething. Example of teething massage can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvLU-lIwUHs Also, you can try to offer teething biscuits such as teething rusk from Heinz/Only Organic.
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It is observed by mothers that teething babies tend to poop more, but so far, no studies have been able to prove the correlation. http://www.livestrong.com/article/551751-teething-an-increase-in-dirty-diapers/ Here are some symptoms of teething: http://sg.theasianparent.com/be-prepared-for-babys-teething-symptoms/
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Have you tried Teething Tablets or using an amber necklace? You can pick up teething tablets from iherb.
You can buy dentinox teething gel from Watson. :)