Second trimester

Now that I’ve enter the second trimester… (week 17) I’m feeling so much better (little to no aches, no nausea etc etc)… is it suppose to be like that? #firsttimemom

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Mostly yes! Second trimester is the honeymoon period. 😂 Then third trimester is when all the aches, heaviness, shortness of breathe, can’t find suitable sleeping position problems kicks in.

Influencer của TAP

Diff trimester diff symptoms i would say. My first and second was bad, no appetite just wanna sleep. Third trimester then start to eat more!

Yes! Enjoy your honeymoon trimester while it lasts 🙌🏻 I’m currently in week 35 and just can’t wait for baby to be out 😂

Influencer của TAP

each pregnancy can vary greatly... hope things only get better for u from hereon!


Influencer của TAP

yes! 2nd trimester is the best. 😂