When can know baby movement?

Now I am at 19 Weeks+ 3 days, however, I didn’t feel any kick or movement from baby. Is it normal or is it due to my first child so that I don’t know?

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It’s normal! It’s my first pregnancy too and I only started feeling it very close to 20 weeks. It starts off reaaaally subtle - randomly felt it while lying in bed one night. Felt a very faint “pop”, kinda like a bubble popping, or like a light fart in the tummy hahaha. It’s very different from anything you’ve ever felt before so you’ll know when it happens. Then over the next few days I started recognizing these feelings more. Don’t worry it’ll come! Yes for first time mummies it takes awhile to identify it, I also didn’t have a clue until it happened regardless of how many diff people tried describing it to me 😂 so don’t worry it’ll come and you’ll know when it does :)

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