pain when pregnet???

Now its 4 month but my stomach fell very-very pain. It's that normal for a pregnet women??

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From my opinion, better consult with doctor. Because slight pain is normal, but very very pain is unusual. I hope everything is going well for you and your baby 💕

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Klo sakit bwh ari² tk normal .. tp klo sakit kt perut atas itu normal sbb perut nk membsr .. Ni dr pengalaman Saya

Maybe braxton hicks. Sy pernah kena awal2 dlu..memang sakit mcm cramp. Amik masa utk hilang

Pegi hospital as soon as possible now.. not normal if you get so much pain like that

if its too pain please go consult a doctor. takecare mommy!

Tak normal. Klau boleh pi klinik cpt2.

Super Mom

Sakit mcm mana tu?