Ask the expert series: Tips to handle your baby’s night wakings?

NOTE: Drop your questions below this post. ⚠️ Does your baby keep you up all night? 💤👶 Those midnight cries and endless wake-ups can feel overwhelming, leaving you exhausted and in search of answers. Well, fret not, because I've got your back! 🤗 Join me for an exclusive #AskTheExpert session, where we'll dive deep into the below topic: 📣 Topic: How to Handle Your Baby's Night Wakings? 🗓️ Date: 20th September, 2023 🕒 Time: 8pm to 9pm Here's what you can expect: 💤 Strategies to soothe your little one. 🌜 Tips for establishing healthy sleep routines. 😓 Insights into common causes of night wakings and how to address them. Warm regards, Ms. Amber Lim Clinical Psychologist MPsy(Clinical)

Ask the expert series: Tips to handle your baby’s night wakings?
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When and how should I transition my baby from a bassinet or co-sleeper to their crib for better sleep continuity?

9mo trước

This will be dependent on the comfort of your family, but it is recommended for babies to sleep in the same room (but separate beds to reduce risk of SIDS) with their parents for the first year of their life. Thereafter, if you wish to transition your child to a different bed or room, maintaining the usual sleep routines would be helpful to help your child learn the new sleeping arrangements. This can take a few days to a week or two, depending on your child’s needs.