Would u move out with your kid to a small house or stay with in law in a big house

Not sure if I made the right move. In law not the easiest folk

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If they aren't the easiest folks, then it's definitely better for you to move out and stay anywhere else! No doubt about it! Else it'd be mentally draining dealing with the daily struggles and unhappiness. Their house, their rules. Your house, your rules. - from a mum who is thankfully not staying with in-laws

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It really depends on your comfort levels with your in laws. If the environment is good enough then why not. Else best to have your own place where you feel more comfortable

Big or small doesn't matter most importantly is the atmosphere and environment that suit kid growth I will never stay with in law 🤭

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As long as you 🤗 big or small don’t really matters. One thing is a happy place and comfortable place for your family :)

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if you can get along well with your in law and the kids are happy there, can just stay but if you feel unhappy then move out

Never a good idea to move in with in laws. Best is to stay at your very own house with your own privacy.

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Good environment is important for both parents and kid. If cannot get along then better to move out.

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Small house for myself as I want my personal space and home for my family 😌

i would rather have own space n privacy. less drama less headache. 😃

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if you can take care of your kid then move out