Not sure if it's just me but is it normal that husbands tend to want their own "space"? Mine asks for movie nights (we do go for it from time to time), asks if my LO can sleepover at my in laws on some days (when we return home late), plans to attend events (and not be bothered about asking whats the arrangement with the LO), asks if we can get someone to babysit while we do groceries or go somewhere.. apart from that, when he's with our LO, he'll spend about 5-10min playing with him and then he will be back to doing his own things. He cant sit still and stay at home to look after our LO. He has to go to places.. it's like he's bored. I just hate to think that he feels like our LO is a hassle to be with. That's the whole point. He's 6mo now. I, on the other hand, feels that our LO is our responsibility but we barely get to spend time during weekdays with him. I want our LO to be home with us everyday. I wanna bring him everywhere with us unless it's really troublesome to do so or if i feel that we'll be in a situation where it's hard for our LO to nap and rest. I plan my schedule and have our LO in mind - where does he go to, what time will i be home to catch him before his bedtime, etc. Yes, im a mom. So naturally i tend to be more attached to our LO i guess? Am i just being sensitive or is that really how men are, in general? I would really like to understand before this becomes a topic of argument. Dont get me wrong, he's a wonderful husband and dad. Just feel that he's selfish for always trying to do things that are "convenient".

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It depends. I actually suggested letting my 9mths old stay at my parents place for a few hrs while we go out n enjoy our wedding anniversary but my hb wanted to bring my Son along instead